Employment agency for foreigners - temporary worker for short-term and seasonal help
We solve customer needs in the production, logistics and technology process. Through our employment agency, we offer companies temporary help for impact and seasonal projects. You will find qualified temporary workers from Eastern Europe who support manual, technical, manual, service, IT, administrative and other work.
Recruitment is the solution for the current personnel situation in your company
Are you expecting an unusual project, seasonal work or vacation time and know that you have to hire new employees at short notice? Free yourself from annoying administration and personnel costs when using our employment agency. You avoid lengthy recruiting processes, save money and are still sure that new employees have sufficient qualifications and experience. As part of temporary work, we regularly check our employees and always coordinate selected employees with your project.
By placing foreigners in work, your company saves on personnel costs
Our agency connects Czech and Slovak companies with qualified workers from Eastern Europe, especially from Ukraine. We put together suitable employees for you who match the profile of your vacancy and take care of the necessary qualifications and all necessary permits according to the labor law. The employment agency for foreigners saves you a lot of administrative work when employing foreigners, which is completely taken over by our company with this service. In addition, you save a lot of costs related to the recruitment process, the costs of sourcing the process that we carry out on a daily basis and we know how to save costs.
Our job placement services
As part of our job placement service for foreigners, we offer various models of cooperation. Choose the one that best fits the needs of your project.
- Personnel leasing
- Aushilfskräfte. Hilfe für eine vorgegebene Zeit.
- Leiharbeit. Aushilfe bei einmaligen und saisonalen Projekte.
- Leiharbeiter - Aushilfe. Einstellung von Zeitarbeitskräften für langfristige und kurzfristige Projekte.
Warum den Arbeitsvermittlung für Ausländer Service nutzen?
- Sparen Sie Zeit und Kosten im Rekrutierungsprozess
- Sie sparen sich Sorgen bei der Verwaltung der Arbeitsvermittlung für Ausländer
- Wir leihen Ihnen Arbeiter entsprechend der erforderlichen Qualifikation
- Bei Unzufriedenheit mit der Leistung des Mitarbeiters leisten wir sofortige Entschädigung
Europa Workintense verfügt über alle erforderlichen Genehmigungen, um diesen Service bereitzustellen.