Advertising brigades, current offers, easy and fast thanks to workmarket.eu
Are you looking for temporary workers? Help yourself with the job portal workmarket.eu, easily and quickly find part-time workers exactly according to your ideas.
You publish your advertisements on the workmarket.eu portal for free. You can publish an unlimited number of advertisements, but the condition is that they are not duplicated. In this case, the advertisement will be deleted from the portal.
Advertising PRO - brigade
Pro ads have different parameters. You independently determine how long the service will last and enter the number of stars. The stars determine the level of how high your job posting will be. The more stars, the higher your job advertisement will be placed in the list. Thanks to this service, you can speed up the process of finding temporary workers. Companies that use the PRO classifieds service get 20 to 25 times more impressions than free job classifieds. A paid PRO ad has an average of 8 more responses than a free ad.
The PRO advertising service is voluntary.
Brigade- response
The number of responses to your advertisement depends on the details and truthfulness of the information regarding the part-time job, working and wage conditions and the use of the PRO advertisement service. You also have to fill in the classified ads in good quality and with enough information for interested parties. All of this will help you reach a larger number of job applicants.