Job Center
A place where customers can visit us in person. Our experts from the job center describe the vacancies in more detail and help you personally with your job choice.
Advantages of the job center
Personal contact plays a major role in job placement. The advantage of the job center is a personal interview with the applicant, which allows our employees to appreciate the employee and assess his work abilities. We also offer you lots of other information about the position, such as the job description, working hours or salary. You learn a lot more in the job center than on the internet.
We care about satisfaction
We make sure the companies we work with are happy with the people we offer them. In the job center, applicants can also turn to the Berufsberatung, where our experts will support you in choosing a career.
Where you can find the job center
The job centers are located in different parts of Central and Eastern Europe.
You can find us in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine. Most job centers are located on the territory of Ukraine. That's why we have so many applicants from here.
workers from abroad
We provide applicants from abroad with all the necessary information about the job abroad. We familiarize you with the documents required for the job abroad and also offer assistance in processing them. We care about our customers and make sure that we offer them the best possible conditions for the job abroad.
A place where you can visit us in person. Get to know the company's services and get advice when looking for a job.